10 research outputs found

    Development of a satellite SAR image spectra and altimeter wave height data assimilation system for ERS-1

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    The applicability of ERS-1 wind and wave data for wave models was studied using the WAM third generation wave model and SEASAT altimeter, scatterometer and SAR data. A series of global wave hindcasts is made for the surface stress and surface wind fields by assimilation of scatterometer data for the full 96-day SEASAT and also for two wind field analyses for shorter periods by assimilation with the higher resolution ECMWF T63 model and by subjective analysis methods. It is found that wave models respond very sensitively to inconsistencies in wind field analyses and therefore provide a valuable data validation tool. Comparisons between SEASAT SAR image spectra and theoretical SAR spectra derived from the hindcast wave spectra by Monte Carlo simulations yield good overall agreement for 32 cases representing a wide variety of wave conditions. It is concluded that SAR wave imaging is sufficiently well understood to apply SAR image spectra with confidence for wave studies if supported by realistic wave models and theoretical computations of the strongly nonlinear mapping of the wave spectrum into the SAR image spectrum. A closed nonlinear integral expression for this spectral mapping relation is derived which avoids the inherent statistical errors of Monte Carlo computations and may prove to be more efficient numerically

    Die neuen Interview Standards des Forum Assessment e.V.: Inhalte, Neuerungen, Nutzen

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    In einem engen Bewerbermarkt unterstĂŒtzen professionell gestaltete Auswahl- oder Potenzialanalyseverfahren dabei, die Geeigneten unter den Wenigen treffsicherer zu identifizieren. Dem Interview als am hĂ€ufigsten eingesetzten Verfahren kommt hierbei eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Die im MĂ€rz 2021 vom Forum Assessment e. V. (ehemals Arbeitskreis Assessment Center e. V.) verabschiedeten ĂŒberarbeiteten Interview Standards bieten einen strukturierten Überblick wissenschaftlich fundierter Regeln sowie aktuelle Hinweise fĂŒr die praktische Umsetzung in der InterviewfĂŒhrung, um einen hochwertigen Interviewprozess mit aussagekrĂ€ftigen Resultaten zu ermöglichen. Neben den Grundlagen fĂŒr einen professionell gestalteten und strukturierten eignungsdiagnostischen Interviewprozess (z. B. AuftragsklĂ€rung, Arbeits- und Anforderungsanalyse, Interviewkonzeption) berĂŒcksichtigen die Standards nun auch aktuelle Themen und Herausforderungen. Eine zusĂ€tzliche erweiterte Kommentierung „Interview Standards in der Praxis“ bietet ergĂ€nzend zahlreiche praxisbezogene Umsetzungshinweise und -beispiele, z. B. in Form von Checklisten und konkreten Vorgehensweisen

    The ERS SAR Wave Mode – A Breakthrough in global ocean wave observations

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    The first European Remotes Sensing satellite ERS-1, launched on 17th August 1991, was conceived in the 1980’s in a period of growing scientific and public awareness of the need to better understand, monitor and manage the planet earth. The dangers of environmental degradation, the alarming increase in the rate of loss of species, and the threat of irreversible major climate change had emphasized the need to treat the earth, on which human civilization depends, as an integrated system. Satellites provided a unique opportunity to obtain the necessary global, continuous data sets. And an ocean satellite would clearly be needed as a key component of an integrated satellite earth observation system in order to monitor the ocean-atmosphere interface, which covers more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface